Animal Kaiser Wiki

Spike Roshi is the 12th Animal Kaiser and returned from heaven to fight Armageddon Vertus, together with 6 other animals of the past

Animal Number

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Spike Roshi

Rarity: Kaiser Rare

Strength: 6000

Health: 8500

Nickname: The 12th Animal Kaiser

Scientific Name: Heosemys Spinosa

Data: Length: ? Weight: ?

Food: Doesn't Eat

Miracle Link: Heavy

Abilities: Kaiser Flash, Iron Heart

Affiliation: Animal Kaisers of the Past

Description: This bright and powerful wizard has been around for 10,000 years and has a heart and shell of steel


Guts: Kameya Man Nen Hou

Tech: Zettaikanzen Finishend (Specialty Move)

Power: Sennin Godpress
